Matrix Energetics 2 Point


First, I found it a very unusual experience and despite myself I kept falling back but continuously to the side until I eventually got to a point where I fell directly backwards.  This was interpreted as needing to change the direction of my life.  Also whilst healing was being performed on the issue I was concentrating on; my knee I experienced pain in my knee which was quite strong.  However, on the completion of the healing I felt no pain in my knee and found it much better. Normally if I crossed my legs my knee would hurt, however this was not the case.  In the week that followed I went skiing and put alot of strain on my knee but had no pain whatsoever.

It was a very unusual but positive experience.


Until now I have felt a strange sensation, which is a relief in the shoulders, before he was always in pain and felt heavy. Now is so strange I feel lighter. This can only have been some influence of therapy.


I'm feeling better. More tolerant, more lightweight. Is a good sensation.

This two weeks I saw some alterations. I dont feel no longer  pain in the shoulder, I started getting contacts from models and clients.


One more time thank you for everything, u are one of my angels :) 


Thank u dear to be so god for me, I will never forget of what u did for me and my mom. My mom she feels much better now, after so much fights to try to change her mood, she is better now.


My life is getting better and better, my business is growing...   Its so crazy how we were destroyed our self, I was doing everything wrong. Thanks to you, me and my mom could changed our lifes for better.

Demain ça fera 3 semaines que je ne fume plus.!!! Je dorme mieux. Je n'ai plus de cauchemar. Je suis moins nerveuse. Je n'ai pas eu des attaques de panique.

Je n'ai mélange plus tellement les pensées. Je rie plus facilement que avant. Dans les premiers jours je dorme beaucoup, maintenant je arrive a regarder un filme à la tv jusqu'à 23h.

J'ai commencer a faire de vélo. On a étais en Montagne et pour la première fois j'ai marché pendant 4 heure, j'étais aussi pour la première fois a plus de 2000 mètres.

On déjà tout prépare pour passer un final de semaine en montagne, ça sera la 1er fois aussi. J'ai grossi 2k!!!!!!!


Hier j'étais chez la et elle m'a dit que je n'ai plus de monoxyde de carbone, et plus de souffle et m'a félicitée pour le travail que j'ai fais,mais il faut reconnaître que c'est grâce à vous que je suis arrivée.

Merci encore!!!  


Les angoisses s'améliorent, ma tête est plus claire (merci).